Welcome to SL Zero's MUGEN Utopia.

High quality creations reside within this realm, if you wish to experience them first hand, be not afraid and download my MUGEN works from here.

For info regarding my terminology, click here.

Character Border Color Specifications:
Cyan = Weak
Blue = Moderate
Green = Strong
Olive = Evil
Red = Mad
Gold = God
Black = Out of the question (Has Western Tier shown for more specifics)
Pink = Defeat Challenge
(If one half is another color, thats the higher tier the character can be, which can be achieved in either palette selection or configuration)

Public Characters:

Old Characters from my 2015-2018 era
Weird Donald
MUGEN Version: 1.0+ (Alternative Win version also available)
Note: Has a notification in the clipboard when a var patch is added to 1.0
Garfield SL Arrange
MUGEN Version: Any (Switch available to allow cheap palettes to run on 1.0+)
Note: First SL Arrange style character, and a remake of one of my oldest creations, dated way back in 2015. Yea, i've been around for a while ain't that a shocker?
LOGIC Garfield
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only
First attempt at a god character, eeeeeh not really my best one, but I do have a much stronger one in the works.
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only, OOTQ Tier: Hypernull
One of my current strongest out of attack and defense theory characters that can even defeat soulabyss with designated measures.
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only, OOTQ Tier: Hypernull
Halloween special, hypernull threaded select tampering.
Spacial Rift
MUGEN Version: 1.0 Only, OOTQ Tier: Supernull
Infinite Soulabyss but for 1.0, can be configured to use Original or Soulabyss Theme and/or Voice, whichever combo you desire. Its obviously an endurance character to see what isolation attacks you can resist.
Kang Fu Mang V1337 - The Fighter God
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only
April Fools Pulication, purely satirical and a parody of Stretchy Limbs MK CDXX - Ultimate Pound
Boei Kung Fu Man
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only, OOTQ Tier: Hypernull
Made to rival bedrock for defense, and is immune to CNS Obliteration. Good luck.
MUGEN Version: 1.1b1 Only, OOTQ Tier: Supernull
Bedrocks envious sister. Threaded defense
Billy Mays AI Patch
MUGEN Version: 1.0+ Only
Note: A special silly surprise is included with this patch, play around with it if you dare!
Zero Challenge Donald Series
Current count 4, defeat challanges that vary in type, some may be dedicated only.
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only
April Fools 2024, parody of apelao's 808080 Kung Fu Man edit, I didn't have a good April 1st today though...
OOTQ Tier: Ultranull (Quasi-Reloader) + Anti-Malware (Registry) hybrid
Its here a couple days early! And you best bet its for the special 25th Anniversary of MUGEN! I will even of been doing MUGEN for 10 years by now, enjoy.
OOTQ Tier: Ultranull (Invoker)
After over a year, its finally here! Merry Christmas KOI

Upcoming Characters:

MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only, OOTQ Tier: Hypernull
The world shall be engulfed in darkness...
MUGEN Version: WinMUGEN Only
Upper God, meant for god tournaments. Will be available to apply once hes ready.
Arctic_Bomb (External Character)
OOTQ Tier: Frost/Isolato
The universe forever frozen...
Donald SL Arrange
MUGEN Version: Any (Switch available to allow cheap palettes to run on 1.0+)
I once wanted to make a MG Donald too, but at the time, I had a lot of school to deal with. Plus I was more prone to outbursts then, now, its about time I make him pretty much.

Characters In Planning State:

OOTQ Tier: Dragon?
NIAP FO SSYBA SSELDNE NA (I probably won't do it for obvious reasons, maybe make it Anti-Malware Driver Type instead?)
OOTQ Tier: Hypernull
Unofficial successor to Inchoation, still working on it in the background though its on hold for now
OOTQ Tier: Hypernull
L Youmu, L Reimu, and L Suwako, why not join in? Defeat Challenge for Top Outsiders